Please register for workshops with Mary Rafferty (Ext. 1168,
Tuesday, August 18, 20099:30 – 10:00
Finding a balance in your job including time for yourself and scholarship.
Phyllis Blumberg - RH 101
10 – 11:00
Basic course design: Objectives and syllabi.
Phyllis Blumberg - RH 101
11 – 12: 00
How do we teach these millennials? Who are our students? How do they learn and what support do we offer them?
Gerald Hoefling, Roxanne Evans - RH 101
1:00 – 3:00
Introduction to teaching and assessing so students will learn more.
Phyllis Blumberg - RH 101
3:00 – 4:30
A new way to organize and integrate a course using organizing schemes (Bring an existing course syllabus, if you have one).
Phyllis Blumberg - RH 101
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 - Focus on TechnologyNote: Some sessions are held concurrently8:30 – 10:30
Introduction to Angel.
Jeff Swain - STC 148
9:00 – 10:00
How to meet when you or your students are not on campus. Using webinar and videoconferencing technology.
Danny Benau - STC 147
11:00 – 1:00
Grade book function on Angel.
Jeff Swain - STC 148
1:30 - 3:30
Advanced functions on Angel.
Jeff Swain - STC 148
2:00 - 3:00
AV classroom support, using computer as whiteboard, etc.
Bill Horton & Cliff Greer - RH 101
3:30 - 4:30
What is new and what is currently available in academic technology at USP.
Rod Murray - STC 148
Thursday, August 20, 200910: 00 – 11:30
General education: What it means here and how to get a course approved for it. (Bring syllabi for courses you want to get General Education approval if you have them) .
Roger Ideishi, Fred Schaefer, Phyllis Blumberg - STC 148
Monday, August 24, 200910:00 – 12:00
Creating good multiple choice questions and how to understand the results (Bring some questions you developed, if you have them) .
Jean Scholtz, Linda Robinson - RH 101
2:00 - 4:00
Teaching students to have more responsibility for their learning.
Phyllis Blumberg RH 101
Thanks to Phyllis Blumberg for organizing these Faculty Enrichment Workshops!