Delicious is a free social bookmarking service that allows users to tag, save, manage and share web pages from a centralized source. With emphasis on the power of the community, Delicious greatly improves how people discover, remember and share on the Internet.
Use Delicious to collect links as you research your next project, or collect links on the topics you teach to share with your students. Once you have bookmarked ("tagged") some great websites for your students, just paste a link like on your Angel course page. You never have to touch that link again, and your students will always see your latest list of links.
Here is a great video explaining how Delicious works (from
Here is the link to bookmarks I collect on e-learning technology:
Use Delicious to collect links as you research your next project, or collect links on the topics you teach to share with your students. Once you have bookmarked ("tagged") some great websites for your students, just paste a link like on your Angel course page. You never have to touch that link again, and your students will always see your latest list of links.
Here is a great video explaining how Delicious works (from
Here is the link to bookmarks I collect on e-learning technology: